Not a whole lot going on this week. We hung out a home most of the was really nice not being crazy busy everyday. Elle took lots of long naps, I think she is growing! We played a lot this week too, she is sooo close to rolling over. She has also found her tongue, notice it sticking out in the picture below! :)

Thursday was our busiest day of the week, our new furniture was delivered! YIPPIE!!

We love the furniture and LOVE that we now have a "grown up" room with matching furniture....not hand-me-downs!

Thursday night, I hosted Bunco. The group is made up of teachers from school - all of the Kindergarten and first grade teachers, a second grade teacher and our secretary (who was sick). Since Dayna was sick, David filled in for her! Elle helped Daddy roll the dice!

Friday morning, I woke David up early because of the dog...see pictures below. So when I got out of the shower, this is what I found in our bed. How cute Daddy and Elle cuddling in bed! Elle does NOT sleep in our bed, just snuggles once in a great while.

So this is what I woke up to Friday morning....Paisley broke out in hives. I never knew a dog could get hives. Look at her poor face, it looks like she got beat up! :(

Poor puppy! After a steroid shot, and a shot of Benadryl from the vet, she was feeling (and looking) better....until she woke up Saturday morning (at 4am) with hives again...we gave her Benadryl again, but she continued to break out all day. We are waiting for Monday to call the vet again and see if there is something stronger we can give her to kick the hives!
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