Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Needs Toys?

Elle is one lucky little girl, who is spoiled by ALL! Gramma and Grampa gave Elle a sled to enjoy the last of the snow (we thought). After this week, I think the snow is here to stay, so we will be able to use the sled again! I haven't decided it that is a good thing....

Elle was ALL smiles, she loves being outside! I took a video, but had the camera turned the "tall way". So when I uploaded the video you had to turn your head side-ways...bummer. Hopefully we will get it on video again - the right way!

Elle has been pulling herself up on everything and walking along furniture, so we decided it was time to get out her "walker". She LOVES her dinosaur and cruises ALL around the house. I have a feeling she will be walking before we know it! She is standing more and more on her own, a little more practice and she will be off!

Who needs toys? Elle sure doesn't, she would rather play with anything and everything that is NOT a toy! For example, the toilet paper (Yes, she found it!).

The toilet makes a great drum....

A side note for visitors - Please put the toilet seat down when finished, I am not ready for Elle to go fishing in the toilet yet! - Thanks in advance! :)

The spring behind the door makes a really funny noise. Now if she could only bang on her drum (the toilet) and play the spring at the same time, we might really have something! :}

She continues to enjoy eating, tearing, scrunching, and throwing magazines! I believe this magazine was a Parent's magazine with an article on appropriate toys for different aged children...coincidence?

Elle has ALWAYS loved playing with her comb and brush, which in my eyes is completely fitting considering her head of hair! Which I am noticing ALWAYS looks messy...I have a feeling it is going to be a never ending battle!

This week's new obsession is wooden spoons and spatulas! She could play with both for hours, and will carry them where ever she goes. For example, she was walking behind her dinosaur holding her spatula. Do we have a future chef on our hands??

Elle has figured out how to open the cupboards in the kitchen (and we do not have hardware on our cabinets). This picture reminds me of a cartoon, she would grab the top, lift up her feet and the door would swing open! Makes me a little nervous, but with mom/dad right there, she is safe.

Even though she plays with everything that is NOT a toy, she does enjoy books. We read many different times throughout the day. She has 3-4 favorite books and is a helper when it is time to open the flaps to the peek-a-boo books.

I have been home ALL week enjoying my Spring Break. We met up with lots of friends and enjoyed lots of time at home playing! Thursday afternoon, we got a call from the neighbors - they were having a POOL the kitchen. We quickly grabbed Elle's swimsuit, a swim diaper and headed over. Avery, Olivia and Elle enjoyed some splashes on a COLD spring day! Olivia was too cute - she had her beach bag, cover-up and sun screen (bath & body lotion) ready for the POOL PARTY!

Our little munchkin's newest trick is "SO BIG". I am still trying to get a picture, she will randomly do it all day long. It is the cutest thing ever!

She now enjoys eating puffs, yogurt melts, crackers, biter biscuits, and bananas. We are slowly introducing more solid foods, although she still prefers baby food. She is also doing so much better with her sippy cup.

That's all the news for the last two weeks, thanks for checking in!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How much life changes!!!

This week, finds me thinking about how much our life has changed in the last eight months! And we wouldn't change it for anything!! Elle was 8 months old on Friday - how time flies.

She continues to motor ALL over the house, getting into everything. Daddy was cleaning the kitchen floors and Elle thought the chairs were a fun toy to crawl under.

Then she thought she would help daddy vacuum. Instead of both of us tackling the house cleaning (like we used to) one entertains, while the other cleans!

Check out that crazy hair...she somehow managed to pull her pony out! She will "entertain" herself for a short time after she wakes up from a nap - usually by throwing pacifiers out of her crib. Daddy keeps missing it and he wants to know what arm she is throwing with!?!?

A week ago, we headed over to see "da boys". David hasn't seen them since they were in the NICU. He couldn't get over how tiny they were, but Aiden snuggled right in and got comfy! How our time hanging out has changed, it now revolves around poopy diapers, feedings, chasing kids - all while trying to get in an adult conversation!

We have been giving Elle a bath in the sink since she was able to sit on her own (for the sake of our own backs). Well, this week we thought we would try the big girl bath tub. Another picture she will love when she is about 16!

She enjoyed being in the big girl tub, but HATED laying back to rinse the soap out of her hair. When Daddy is home to help, we can do the big girl bath tub and when he works, we are in the sink.

It is amazing how much time you spend in random places in your house once your child is mobile. One evening we found ourselves sitting on the kitchen floor for about 1/2 hour playing. Elle thought the dishwasher and all of the dirty dishes were the best! (excuse the uncombed hair!). We find ourselves playing in the hallway trying to listen to the news at the same time. We find ourselves playing on the bathroom floor while trying to get ready. It is so fun and exhausting all at the same time.

Elle got her first "real" injury. She loves to crawl over to the vent (especially when it is blowing) and run her fingers over it to make noise. Well, she put her finger in the vent and when she pulled it out, she got a good scratch. Don't worry, it didn't slow her down!!

We have singed up for a music class with a few friends. The group is actually made up of all teachers and their children. This was our second class and Elle really enjoys the songs, rhymes, lullabies and other children in the class.

Daddy came this week. He enjoyed class, but again the thought crossed his mind about how our lives have changed!

Heather and Finley hosted music so we stayed to play a little after class was done. Finley was showing Elle all of this cars, trains, firetrucks and toys. He gave Elle this "baby" train to play with, what a good friend.

On Saturday, Elle and I headed over to see the boys again. Each time we visit, they are awake longer and look bigger! Elle can't wait until they are moving like her!

Elle wore big girl piggy tails to visit the boys, she looks like a little girl - not a baby anymore.