It has been a marathon week for me, I had the last set of parent teacher conferences for the year Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night. Like I have said before, I have a busy class, which made conferences mentally and emotionally draining for me this year...more than normal!
But after a busy week, I had a wonderful weekend with my husband. We don't often get to go places together, with him working every other weekend we are usually traveling or have plans. Not this weekend! Saturday we took the day and drove to the Twin Cities to start looking at baby gear and furniture. Fun stuff.. Our first stop was Babys R Us. The store was PACKED, but we got to touch, feel, fold, push, and carry all of the big items we have been looking at online (stroller, car seat, high chair, bouncy, etc). For the most part we loved everything we had picked out! Next stop USA Baby, we had looked at a different sets of furniture online and when we got there, we didn't like them at ALL!! Good thing we went shopping, but we did find another set that we love!
Stay tuned for pictures!

We have begun to "talk" to the baby and when I am checking email, facebook, reading, watching TV or updating the blog, this is how you will find me. Earphones on my belly playing lullaby music to our little peanut. It is suppose to stimulate the brain!

We have begun to clean out the room that will be turned into Baby Rueber's Nursery. We have taken the desk out of the room, cleaned out 1/2 of closet and put some of Baby R's. things away. We don't have much but are excited for it to continue to look more and more like a baby's room.
We had our 16 week check up Friday and continue to love our doctor. The nurse found the heart beat this time...thank goodness. The heart beat was now all of you can make your predictions; boy or girl!
I continue to feel good, more and more energy each day. It is hard to believe that in four weeks we will be 20 weeks, which means we will be HALF WAY THERE! That makes us excited and nervous all at the same time.
This week Baby R is the size of an avocado. In the next few weeks there will be a big growth out belly! Baby R's legs are getting longer and he/she has begun to develop toenails! The heart pumps approximately 25 quarts of blood each day and it will continue to increase as he/she grows.
Thanks for tuning in this week!
The Rueber's
The Rueber's
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