Well...its June! I was hoping to get the next post done before June - it just didn't happen. We have had a very busy May! Wedding season has begun along with many other celebrations. So here is what we did in the month of May.
One of last "baseball guy" got married Mother's Day weekend. Whitey (Zak) and Alisha are such a fun couple - they are perfect for each other! :)

The "baseball guys" from left to right J.W. Nick, Dave, Whitey (groom), Jake, Eddie, Brad, and Biever. It is so fun to get together with all of the guys and wives! It is like no time has passed and they pick up right where they left off!
This was our first night away from Elle and ALL involved survived! Thanks Gramma and Grampa for watching Elle over night! Dave and I enjoyed ourselves and promised each other that we would do it more often!

F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. nice weather has arrived! We have TONS of kids in the neighborhood and we all try each others toys! Andrew (the blonde) and Mason came over to play in Elle's sandbox.

Elle tends to watch the big kids play more than actually play - we'll get there....

Andrew is very good at sharing and let Elle use his Coupe. Mason was a nice friend and pushed Elle for about 20 minutes - sure saved my back! :)

After playing in the sand, you need to rinse off. Well, little miss independent decided to do it herself!! She got water EVERYWHERE and ended up taking a bath in the sink that night.

May 14th was a very special day for Ashton and Aiden, they were baptized!

We are so honored to be Aiden's God Parents! Love you little man! (Love you too Ashton!)

Keeping Elle entertained (and/or contained) for any length of time is very challenging these days. She wants to see and explore everything. She was after a jug of money at church - not so sure that is a good idea Elle!?!?

This picture is TOO CUTE. Elle and Great Aunt Cathy walked out of church together! Elle has taken 6 steps, and will walk for days holding your hands. Soon, she will be fully mobile....YIKES!

We have been trying to get a picture for Elle's first birthday invite and another neighbor was helping us make Elle smile. Reagan LOVES Elle and is like a big sister to Elle. We are so lucky to have such nice neighbors!

A little fun in the swing while trying to capture the right smile!

Tunnel time....

And the bag it comes in is just as much fun.!

Baseball season is here! I was a little nervous about baseball season, but so far Elle has proven me wrong. Expecting an almost 1 year old to sit on/near a blanket for 2hours watching a baseball game is completely unrealistic....I was prepared with snacks, toys and more snacks! She did great, we watched Daddy play 3 baseball games Memorial Day weekend!
She had fun sitting on the big chairs,

Standing on the big chairs,

And playing with things she found in the cup holder of the big chairs. What more could a girl ask for?!?!

We went to the Memorial Day parade. Laurie Jo and Lily (our friends from music) were there too! Laurie Jo is a teacher in the district as well!

Again I was a little nervous about the parade - containing a mobile child while people, animals, bands and loud vehicles are passing by...but all went well! Elle really enjoyed the bands and would "dance" to the music as they passed.

The highlight of the parade this year was a float for Bob's House for Dogs. Finley and Spencer were on the float! See the cute little dalmatians in the back of the mule??? They did such a great job!

Easton is too little to be on the float, so he and Elle waved at his brother Spencer and cousin Finley!

After the parade, we headed to Finley's gramma's house. They live on Lake Altoona - WHAT a VIEW! Thanks for letting us crash your family lunch!
Love this picture of Elle and Daddy!

They have such a wonderful waterfront lot! Rare family photo.

And they have a super-duper cool swing set! Elle cannot get enough of slides - check out this action shot! She just kept going back for more and more. We finally had to take her away from the swing set.

Dave's team won their first two games of the tournament, so they played in the championship game (it was a good game, but they ended up losing). After a long morning (parade and lunch) with no nap, we had a smiley girl at the last ball game!

Miss Independent wants to feed herself - go for it girl! The pea on her nose was there for about 3/4 of her meal... nice! She is starting to like more and more foods. She will now eat: pears, peaches, fruit cocktail (by the can, if I let her), watermelon, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, grapes, sugar snap peas, green beans, chicken, steak, ANY kind of cracker, and pickles. We are still working on noddles and breads - I think it is a texture thing.
She also has more teeth, but NOT her two top front ones....weird! She has three on the bottom and her two eye teeth on the top.

Bring on summer! Today we got out the pool - and soon it was a neighborhood pool party in our yard! I can't wait to do this on a daily basis. Countdown - 4 days with students and 5 for teachers!

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