Well...where do I start. This week has been a little crazy. Let's back up to Father's Day Eve - Eau Claire set a record (and not the kind you want to set) 4.5 inches of rain in 2 hours! That is a lot of R.A.I.N. Some of that rain "seeped' into our basement soaking our carpet.
I noticed the wet carpet Sunday morning, so we got out all of our fans and our dehumidifier to dry things up. By Sunday evening/Monday morning things felt back to normal. Until Tuesday when I woke up...moldy, musty, old basement smell filled the downstairs! YUCK. We did a little more investigating and found water was under our steps (it is a storage area), there was extra carpet just laying on the floor. You guessed it, that was SOAKING wet and smelled lovely - NOT! So we cleaned that out, moved the fans and dehumidifier under the steps. We called a plumber to make sure it wasn't a pipe leaking or backing up - NOPE. Thinking that removing and cleaning up under the steps would take care of the smell. Wrong AGAIN! Next I called two different carpet cleaning services. The first told me he didn't even need to come and look at the carpet, mold had already starting growing in the pad. GREAT... Then I called a different company for a second opinion. He said he could come look at it, but if it was his house, he would take it out. (Now remember, they "want" my business because if they clean my carpet, they get $$) With two different companies saying we should remove the carpeting, so we won't have to worry (especially with a small child at home), we did....
Thank you Grandma Maureen for helping us move all of the "stuff" out of the basement!
Elle traded Daddy's lawn mower in for one that blows bubbles! Now Elle can make lines in our yard just like her daddy does. :)

Elle helped Daddy open his "real" present - We got him (us) a video camera! Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Daddy. Elle is so lucky to have you and so am I! Love you!

Elle traded Daddy's lawn mower in for one that blows bubbles! Now Elle can make lines in our yard just like her daddy does. :)
Elle helped Daddy open his "real" present - We got him (us) a video camera! Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Daddy. Elle is so lucky to have you and so am I! Love you!
What have we done in between moving furniture, holiday decorations, winter clothes, pulling carpet, etc..... not too much! But here are the few pictures I did take this week.
Elle is now tall enough to get into the drawer with the Ziploc bags and she L.O.V.E.S. to pull all of the bags out!
Wednesday David played ball in Menomonie - who would have thought it would be in the 50's at the END of June! Brrr, it was a chilly game (that went into extra innings)! But Grandma wasn't complaining, she got extra snuggles with Elle.
She is getting sneaky... even with the safety locks on the doors, she is trying to get into the cupboards!
We have another busy week. Elle gets her first haircut (getting very nervous about it) and we are heading home to get her one year pictures done. Aahhh - where did the last year go? I cannot believe our little baby is going to be a year old! And on top of that, carpet will be installed on Friday! Thanks for checking in, have a great week!
The Rueber's
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