I am happy to report that Elle and I both survived my first week back to work. Elle was happy as a clam to be home with Gramma and I was so relieved that everything went well! Gramma and Elle have their own little routines and games, which makes me feel so good when I am at work! I know Elle is a having fun singing songs, playing with her toys, helping wash dishes (okay she is in the bjorn while gramma washes) and just happy to be HOME!!
I had a very busy first week back to work, three meetings, two IEP's and adjusting back to being at work. I have a very nice class, who are settled into a routine (thanks Jackie!), which makes going to school easy! The day at school goes by quickly, but the night with Elle goes even quicker...I am living for the weekends!
Monday morning, St. Nick left Elle a present by the back door...but it didn't fit in her shoes. She even helped tear the paper.

St. Nick gave Elle a mini piano. She loves to bang on the piano and make music!

Elle was showing gramma a few last minute ideas for Christmas. She was shopping in the Toys R Us catalog....well she tore the flier into shreds.

We have known since day one that Elle likes to do things on her own and in her own way. She even wants to hold her own bottle, what a big girl!

Look at that crazy bed head and adorable smirk...this was her saying goodbye to mommy as I was leaving for work. No tears!

Gramma rigged up the bumbo so Elle could reach the toys hanging from her play mat, she seemed to like! The things we try to keep them entertained....

Again, entertaining Elle in the mirror! Gramma put Elle in the Bjorn and does EVERYTHING all day long! Thanks Heather for letting us borrow it, it is so helpful!

Saturday, (the day of the biggest snow storm of the season) was a day to spoil the Wamboldt babies. The shower was held in Menomonie, so getting there was a challenge. We had to take David's beast of a vehicle because it is the only one with All-Wheel-Drive...so in we packed; David, Grampa, Gramma, Elle, Me, gifts, cupcakes, games and decorations! We made it there and back safely!
Elle and the guest of honor, Amy waiting for people to arrive. About 1/2 of the guests attended the shower, which was wonderful!

Because of the bad weather, the boys drove us to Menomonie and joyed in on the shower festivities...boy did they love all of the games we play!?!?!

The twins were spoiled with lots of necessities and few fun things too!

There were numerous cars in the ditch as we came back from Menomonie, and one that we needed to help get out of our way. Once we were on our exit ramp there was a line of cars stopped because of a car in the snow bank. David and Grampa started a trend and got out of the car to help push the guy out! Luckily so did everyone else and they were able to get the car out and we were on our way home!

Gramma and Grampa were snowed in! We were waiting for the plow to come down road so they could head home. Well wouldn't you know it, the plow came through once David was DONE with the driveway...isn't that how it always goes!?! Here he is snow blowing the entire neighborhood!

Look at the pile of snow the plow made....YIKES!

David was a huge help to two of our neighbors, one doesn't have a snow blower and the other left and since the plow came through would not have been able to get back into his driveway. He was outside for about FOUR hours!!!

Or as he would say...I will be outside for the season!

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