Elle is definitely "mobile". She is finding lots of fun "toys" around the house to play with....we are still finding things we need to baby proof!
Elle helped Daddy with laundry this week. He said she unfolded every towel he folded, would climb in/out of the laundry basket... what a good helper! :)

I had parent/teacher conferences this week and Thursday I was at school for 12+ hours!! Dave needed to take care of some business in the cities, and met up with Papa Bill for lunch. Sounds like they had a nice lunch.

Then they stopped to see Grandma Maureen at school! I am not sure who was more tired by the end of their busy day - Elle or Daddy?!?!

Elle has had a little diaper rash this week and we have been doing diaper free time between changes...look at those butt cheeks!!! She only had one accident - not to bad. I am sure she will love this picture when she is older! :)

Our little Dora the explorer (a.k.a. Elle) has been ALL over the house this week...and Paisley is right behind her! Dora found the slippery wood floor, she kind of looks like Bambi in the kitchen.

Good thing we installed the baby gate a few weeks back! "Dora" crawls over to it often...maybe she is saying "Help, Help" get me out of here!

"Dora" has found the bathroom. I am waiting for the day she finds the toilet paper!!! I think we will be putting our other gate in this door way.

And she has made her own obstacle course, by crawling under and over anything in her way! Elle thinks it is too much fun to crawl under the jumperoo and to play with the toys from the "outside".

"Dora" adventured into the kitchen again and thought the dinning room chairs would be fun to crawl under (and hit our head). Good thing I spent my Saturday afternoon on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors, they are clean and ready for a little girlie to crawl all over.

Here is a little video of "Dora" exploring Gramma's room.
She's really getting around and doing great! I'm secretly hoping Maddie wants to just stay sitting for a few more months, I'm not sure I'm ready for the "chasing"!