Our baby girl is SEVEN months old! Where has the time gone? She is growing and learning so much everyday, before you know it we are going to be celebrating her first birthday!
Elle loves to look in the mirror at "the baby", so we brought a small mirror that wasn't being used into the living room for her to play with. She loves to touch and even kiss "the baby" in the mirror. It is covered with finger prints and kiss/slobber marks!

We made a trip to the cities last weekend and met up with Grandma Maureen, Brock and Aftin for lunch. All three of the kids were very well behaved at lunch. We missed you Jeff and Sue...but I am sure they didn't miss us, as they were laying on the beach in Cancun! Hope you had a good trip!

Our trip to the cities was in search of the perfect baby gate. We needed one that would work for the top of a stairway and have a banister kit...it only took us three stores to find the right one.
With our little girlie rocking on all fours, we know it isn't long until she will be crawling and we need to keep her safe. We plan to teach her how to go down the steps right away, so there is no fear of the steps....but there are times when we need it for safety (like while we are cooking dinner, etc).
David LOVES house projects, this time he had a supervisor - Elle was watching his every move and made sure the gate was installed properly!

Go Pack Go! We had a very small Superbowl gather at our house with the neighbors and Adam/Amy. Elle and I made sure to wear the same shirts we wore the past three games....we are a little superstitious! Go Pack Go! What a great game!

Elle and Paisley did a little pre-game tug-a-war! Paisley is the best dog, she is sooo gently with Elle!! She knows when Elle is playing and doesn't pull hard on her toys, but allows Elle to pull back. They are best buddies.

After dinner Monday night, Elle seemed to still want more (we thought she had enough) so we tried puffs.....

Do you think she liked them? NOT ONE BIT!!!! We will try again soon, the texture is SO different than anything she eats right now. I am sure one day soon she will love them!

It was Daddy's week at home and since the Superbowl is over (and he has to hear about the Packer's being the Superbowl Champs for the next 9 months) he is ready for Baseball to start. Elle wore every piece of baseball clothing she owns!
Daddy's little slugger sporting her Twins gear.

Representing the Eagles (the summer team David plays on). Love the name and number on the back!

Go Brew Crew! (We cheer for both the Twins and Brewers as long as they aren't playing each other!)

Elle was busy making Valentine's this week. She sent special Valentine's to her Grandma's and Grandpa's, and cousins!
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