We continued to work on Elle's room this week and now all we have to do is add Elle's newborn pictures (once we get them)! We left the room the color we had originally painted it when it was an office and had always said we would just add a stripe to make if more masculine or feminine. So, we added a pink and brown stripe around the room.
We also added some shelves to display special gifts, David's teddy bear as a child and my Peter Rabbit tea set. The room feels so cozy, I love it!
Elle has really great head control and always wants to sit up to see what is going on, so I decided we would try the Bumbo. Just like tummy time, she can do it for a short amount of time and then gets tired.
I do have to say we have lots of fun with her hair after bath time! Look at that Afro! Amazingly, the girl never has a bad hair day, you would think she would wake up with major bed head....Nope. Lucky girl!
She continues to be average -- 50percentile for height and weight and between 25-50 percentile for head circumference. Looking good baby girl!
Look at those poor little legs with band aids...she was a very sleepy girl on Saturday!
I am going for the "Mother of the Year" award....Elle made her first stop at Mogies for "Staff Development" (drinks after school hours). Grandma Jean (my teaching partner) was helping show how wonderful of a mother I am! :)
Elle attended her second wedding on Saturday, our wonderful hair stylist Marie married her best friend Catlin!
Elle danced her first dance with mommy and daddy.

Elle got lots of snuggles in with Auntie Julie!

Happy two month birthday Elle Maire! We are so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter!! Love you baby girl!

Elle got lots of snuggles in with Auntie Julie!
Happy two month birthday Elle Maire! We are so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter!! Love you baby girl!
Hope things are going well! I love watching to see what she is doing, and checking out her outfits...Maddie has the heart sleeper too!