Baby Rueber's estimated arrival: 3 days!
I am sooo ready for an outside baby!
I am currently 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Baby continues to grow layers of fat on his/her body to help regulate his/her body temperature on the outside. Baby Rueber is about the size of a small watermelon around 19-20 inches long weighing around 6-7lbs.
The last week has been filled with lots of waiting. I feel "ready" for Baby Rueber to arrive and try to stay busy to keep my mind off of the time. I try to have something to do each day so that I don't go crazy sitting and waiting at home. I sure do A LOT of internet surfing and Facebook Stalking!
David continues to play summer ball and his team made a special gift for Baby Rueber. A Menomonie Eagles shirt (with Daddy's #) and a baseball adorable! Baby Rueber will be Daddy's #1 fan.
Around 3-4pm David and I took Paisley to the dog park and made 3 laps around, when we got home I started thinking about the day and I couldn't remember Baby moving. I do kick counts daily to make sure that Baby is healthy, so I thought I should lay down and count.
At 6:30pm, I drank a glass of juice (giving Baby some sugar) and laid on my side, 1/2 hour into it NO movement. A little nervous now, I drank another glass of juice and tried my other side. I felt about 6-7 kicks/movements and the doctors would like you to feel 10 in one hour - any time it takes longer than one hour they want you to call labor and delivery. I was so nervous, as this was my first call to L&D. I talked with the on call doctor and he suggested I eat dinner and count again for one hour. Now in my second hour of laying on my side, it took the entire hour to feel 10 kicks/movements and only 3 felt "normal". I was happy that I felt 10 kicks, but was still nervous so I called my mom and she said it would be best to call the doctor back and get his opinion. He wanted me to come in and get hooked up to the monitor because the movement was not what I was used to feeling.
It is now 9pm and we are in the car on our way to the hospital. When we got to the hospital and checked in, the lady asked if I wanted a ride in the wheel chair. Ummm... no and I plan on walking out of here tonight!
Doctor Dovre was the on-call doctor that night, he came in to check on us...what a nice man (besides the fact that he is a Viking Fan!). He looked over Baby R.'s movements and asked if we had any questions, with no questions we were on our way.
I am so glad that we went in, I would NOT have slept a wink all night just waiting for Baby to move. My only wish is that the next trip we make to Labor and Delivery, we will be bringing a baby home with us!
David is back to work this week and with our due date Thursday, we asked my mom to come stay with me. This puts David at ease during the night when he is at work, knowing someone is here to bring me to the hospital! Thanks to my mom for hanging out!
Hang in there Melissa, I promise your new little bundle will be worth every minute you've had to wait!