We have been home for a week and a half now and it feels good to be in the comforts of our house!
Wednesday July 14th, we were discharged from the hospital. As I mentioned in the previous post, we left in a horrible rain storm, sheets and sheets of rain...but we made it safely home. Thanks for the balloon Heather!
We had lots of fun things waiting at home for a baby to try. Elle used her Moses basket the first night home.
Elle is sleeping downstairs in the bassinet. It is chilly downstairs, but Elle seems to be a "hot body" like her daddy and doesn't mind.
We made our first outing Thursday...I know, I know. What am I thinking taking a 4 day old shopping, well we needed to get some accessories for newborn pictures. We made a trip to Whippersnappers, a baby boutique in Eau Claire.
Friday Elle had her first doctor appointment, she had a weight check after losing so much in the hospital. We are happy to report that she gained 6 ounces since we left the hospital. I weighed her today and is us up to 7lbs. 5oz! We are going in the right direction!
The humidity finally went down and we hung out on the front porch.
Elle's belly button is all healed up already, so she got to take a "big girl" bath Wednesday night. She was so content in the tub, I could have let her sit in there until she was a prune!
Saturday, Elle was spoiled once again. Connie (Grandma Maureen's good friend) hosted an after the baby was born shower. It was so nice to see family and friends, we enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at Connie's wonderful home.
Jenna will make a great babysitter someday, Elle was so content in her arms.
Elle, David and I are so lucky, my mom stayed with us for our first week home. But really, she has been here the last 3 weeks. The first week, she sat around with me waiting for Elle to make her arrival, she went home Friday July 9th and then came right back Saturday July 1oth and has been here ever since. We would NOT have eaten, had clean dishes or clothes and I would have had a mental break down. All of this is new to us and it was soo wonderful to have her expertise and advice. Thank you gramma for all of your help these last 3 weeks!
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