Sunday, May 20, 2012


We celebrated Mother's early this year.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mom and friend!  Love you mom!

 The weather has been wonderful and we have been outside as much as possible.  We are so lucky to live in such a kid friendly neighborhood!  On any given day, we could have 2-6 neighbors in the yard playing.  Elle LOVES Reagan!  Reagan (who is only 6) is so good to Elle, she will push her in the swing, dig in the sandbox, blow bubbles for her.  Elle just lights up when she sees Reagan home! :)
 We reached 90 degrees two days in a row....and it was a "daddy week", so he got out the pool (and slide) and it was a magnet for kids! :)

 Elle L.O.V.E.D. it!  I can't wait until we can go to the public pool (well really I can, because the last thing I want to do it put on a swimsuit (maternity at that...urgh!).  But I know Elle will have a blast...

 Hanging out on the front steps with a few of the neighbor girls.
 What you don't wear your sunglasses to eat breakfast?????  Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen....

 I have been sadly counting down the days...I have had a few years to make fun of Dave, my brother, Amy....but it was finally my turn.  I turned the big 3-0 this weekend.  I was not dreading it, but I didn't like the idea that David had to work so I would be alone ALL day, pregnant and couldn't drink!  URGH....

Little did I know, David had other plans.  He told me 3+ weeks ago that he had scheduled a massage for me on my birthday.  I was so excited, but immediately went "who is going to watch Elle, you work?".  He said, I called your parents and they want to come over to celebrate with you and will watch her.  Oh how wonderful!  Now I can get a massage, and not be alone! 

I started to get a little suspicious when he had to take a few phone calls outside...
And he said Friday, I hope people like my yard..."people" what people.  He quickly covered up with the neighbors..

So my day went like this.
Lunch with some lovely lady friends.
On my way home, I looked on the side streets and didn't see any cars, so I figured I was in the clear.....

Nope, I was wrong!  There was a house full of people, counters filled with food, balloons everywhere, and I teared up! 

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.  This is soooo not his "thing".  He is NOT a planner and looks to me when someone asks about a date.  I am so impressed and thankful that he took the time to make my birthday so special.  
I also need to thank everyone for bringing something, and being here to help celebrate! I am one lucky girl to have so many wonderful people in my life!!

Baby update:

I am currently 18 weeks.  I am starting to feel better and am beginning to feel hungry again.  I have eaten meat, but still prefer fruit, and salads.  I am still exhausted, but it is the end of the school year (which is just as or more crazy than the beginning), and I have an almost 2 year old to chase around so I am hoping to feel more rested this summer...

I felt baby for the first time about 1 1/2 weeks ago...LOVE that feeling!  Now I can't wait for our next appointment on the 30th!  I will be 20 weeks, which means 1/2 way and ultrasound!!  I want to see our little peanut again!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

3 Will Become 4

 I am sure many of you have been waiting for a baby it is!

Baby #2 is due to arrive October 19, 2012.  

We are very excited and nervous all at the same time.  Elle seems to be hitting the "terrible twos" early, hopefully she will get it all out of her system before baby arrives in the Fall.  (wishful thinking right?!?)

We had a doctor appointment Tuesday afternoon.  Babies heart beat was a strong 152.  I needed that reassurance, and I was just feeling fat.  It is hard when you can't feel baby yet, but your tummy is growing...I start to question myself.  Our next appointment is "the big one"... which brings me to the Q&A part of this post.

  1. Will you find out the sex of baby #2? No, we love a surprise and will be happy with a healthy baby!
  2. How far along are you? I am currently 16 weeks, safely in our second trimester.
  3. How have you been feeling?  T.I.R.E.D.  and HUGE I know that this is normal (especially in your first trimester) and this time around, I can't nap anytime I need/want to...I have a busy almost 2 year old wanting my full attention!  I have had NO appetite and please, please don't feed me MEAT....YUCK!  Especially ground beef.  Thankfully, I have not had any morning sickness.
  4. Is this pregnancy different than Elle's?  Yes, with Elle I could eat anything any time of day!  My stomach just doesn't feel "right" most days, hopefully that will pass....soon!  My sciatica (spelling??) is really bothering me and never did with Elle
  5. Do we have names picked out?  For a boy yes, girl no.  And we are NOT sharing....sorry!
  6. How long will you take of work?  Unfortunately, I won't be able to take as long.  I will take off through the first of the year, approximately 2 1/2 months.
  7. Does Elle get it yet? She knows what the ultra sound picture is.  She will say "baby, baby".  She has also been noticing my bigger belly and pointing, I just keeping saying baby.  So no, she doesn't really get it and probably won't until her world is turned upside down! 
I have definatley had some "pregnancy moments" already...
  • Turned the shower off without washing my hair.  Yeah, it wasn't even wet, so when I went to dry it, I had to turn the shower back on and actually wash it!
  • Headed to Target for a few things.  Moisturizer was on my list....came home with facial soap!  I didn't even go to the right aisle!  Didn't realize it until I got out of the shower the next day and grabbed my empty bottle of moisturizer....oh boy!
I am sure that is just a start to what is to to love what pregnancy does to your brain!!!
Baby is the size of an avocado.  He/She is 4-5inches long, weighing about 3oz.  Hair, lashes and eyebrows are beginning to grow as well as taste buds are forming.  Baby is now able to hear my voice...crazy!

So here we go, three will become four in October!