What a week! This was the longest and most exhausting week I have had since I have been back to school! Lots of things going on at night! Elle sure had a busy week too....
Elle sat like a big girl for the first time in a shopping cart and she loved it! She was looking around and smiling at EVERY person we passed!

Elle's first Valentine's Day - despite the look on her face, she was very excited. She got chains from mommy and daddy and a floaty with a shade from gramma and grampa! We can't wait to use the floaty in Door county.

We took our first walk outside (in 2011). Gramma and Elle went for a walk everyday but Friday this week! We were sure to take advantage of the Spring like weather....to bad it won't be sticking around.

Elle played in the snow for the
first time! She wasn't quite sure what to think of it. She reached forward to grab it and face planted in the snow....oops! I can't wait until next year when we can play in the snow and maybe even go sledding!

I don't have any pictures of the next
first...but Elle's
first tooth cut through on Tuesday!!!! Last week she had completely changed her napping schedule, but was still sleeping great at night, so we just thought she was ready to be awake longer between naps. But now that the tooth has come in, I think that was the reason. This week, she is back her "normal" nap schedule for the most part. She has been quite the trooper, no fever, no diaper rash, just a little more fussy at night so we have been going to bed early!
When I walked in the door on Thursday, Elle had just woken up from her nap. I love going in to get her, especially when Dad or Gramma put her down. This is what I saw when I walked in!!! Elle pulled herself up in her crib for the
first and last time! Little stinker was throwing pacifiers out, it was a good thing she didn't bend down to try and grab one that she threw out! She would have fallen right on her head! Needless to say, her mattress has been lowered.

As I mentioned in the last post, Elle has been rocking on ALL fours for a couple weeks. As Grampa would say, she is stuck in neutral...well she put it in gear Friday night! Elle crawled across the living room for the
first time! It is a very slow crawl, and her arms go up in the air like an elephants trunk, but she is crawling! Watch out world, here she come! Bring on the baby proofing...
Remotes are really good motivation to crawl, she was taking a break in this picture. I will try to get it on video this week.

Elle got to meet her two newest cousins for the
first time! Aiden came home on Thursday and Ashton came home on Saturday! We are so happy they are home and doing so well! Aiden is on the left and Ashton is on the right. Elle is looking forward to bossing the boys around (just like her mommy used to do)!

Elle first checked out Aiden.....

Then she had to check out Ashton....
And I am sure she is thinking...oh boy, TWO boys! Yikes!!!

Brotherly love!