I L.O.V.E. this time of year. We are a family with many traditions and this time of year brings out the best in us! I love spending time with family and friends and of course eating delicious food for the next month!!! We had a busy weekend with family, here is a sneak peak!
A few randoms first...
Elle is definitely and "outdoor" kid, any chance she gets she wants to be outdoors. I foresee backing the cars out of the garage and letting her run and ride on toys to burn some energy this winter. Lately she wants to sit in anything you will push her in. Stroller, wagon, Burley, cozy coupe, high chair (yes, I said high chair - ask Grampa how his back is doing?!?!)...anything!! Elle was on a hunt for something, not sure what.
Elle was "helping" us get ready to host Thanksgiving. She carried up 2 rolls of paper towel (so did I) and when we got upstairs, she tried to put all four rolls in her cart. Think she has been to the store a few times??
Elle will only keep pony tails in her hair, clips she will pull right out. But...one night, it was fun to put ALL of her clips in her hair. She kept asking me to put more in....
then, she pulled them out and wanted them in Gramma's hair...I think it is a good look on Gramma!?!?!
Thanksgiving morning, we had a little bit of business to take care of. I had to clean and Elle had to paint....
Two handed works better than just one!!!
Why you ask did I let Elle paint the morning we were hosting thanksgiving....well we made this adorable hand print center piece for one of our tables. It is the teacher coming out in me! :)
Our latest tradition is hosting Thanksgiving. With Dave's wacky work schedule, it is easiest for him to sleep in his own bed and wake up and walk up stairs to eat!
We had 10 adults and 6 kids (5 years and under!) With the newest member making his appearance. Easton Maximus Rueber was only seven days old for his first Thanksgiving! Congrats Jeff, Sue, Brock and Aftin on your newest member of the family.
Asthon, Aiden, Uncle Adam and Gramma were chillin' on the couch before dinner. Look how healthy and happy those two little (not really little, they weigh as much as Elle) boys are!
Aftin, Brock and Elle enjoyed cooking a Thanksgiving meal in Elle's room. Brock is a real chef and L.O.V.E.S to cook!
See, here are the two masters a work, making gravy. The gravy was delicious....
Dave and Grampa carving our 25 pound turkey!
Ashton and Aiden enjoying a post dinner conversation with Gramma and Grampa.
After dinner, the kids headed downstairs to play. It was great, while the kids played, the adults got things cleaned-up upstairs.

While all you crazy people are out braving the crowds at 4am, we head to St. Paul around 10am and do our own retail therapy. A tradition that we started four years ago. We hit a bunch of little boutiques, enjoy a yummy lunch and buy stuff that we really don't
Another tradition that has changed a little in the last few years is Christmas tree cutting. We used to go "back home" trek through the woods (literally, it was a national forest) and find the perfect Charlie Brown tree! Now, we go to a tree farm...with kids is MUCH easier than walking 2 miles through the woods!!
Elle got all bundled up in her winter gear and was ready for the hunt. Notice the nice "cheese" face.
We enjoyed the wagon ride out to the trees...again cheese face!!
Some of the luckiest grand-kids - they are SPOILED (rotten) by these two!
Elle is very independent (just like her mommy!) and was off to find her own tree....
but spent quite a bit of her time on the ground. The uneven terrain wasn't easy for someone with such short legs!

Elle is such a good helper...she helped cut the tree down!
We did visit Santa and Mrs. Claus While we were at the tree farm, but Elle did NOT like him...and the picture wasn't the best. Hopefully we will have more success when we try again at the mall...
And...she helped decorate the tree.

We are thankful for all of our wonderful family and friends. We are so lucky to have all of you in our lives!
Happy Holidays!