Baby Rueber's estimated arrival - 3 1/2 weeks
Summer vacation - It is HERE!!!
It has been a busy last two weeks. School is out for the summer and the excitement/anticipation is just as bad as the beginning of the year for both students and teachers. It is amazing to think the school year is over, it went really fast even with all of the challenges this year brought. 24 five/six year old's was a lot for this pregnant teacher, they sure made me work for my money this year. I am thankful summer is here and that I am now able to relax, sit, nap and eat anytime I need/want to!
It was a different feeling this year closing up my classroom for the summer, because I won't be back in the room teaching until December! I am taking 12 weeks of maternity leave once school begins in the fall. So, I have the next 6 months off! I will work the teacher work days and the first day of school to meet my students. I am very lucky, my substitute is a retired Kindergarten worries about anything and I know that my students will be "whipped" into shape by the time I come back in December. :)
Last post, I shared pictures and stories about our trip and baby shower in Racine, but I forgot to mention one of the best gifts...and it was for Daddy. David got a "Daddy Diaper Bag".

Daddy's Diaper Bag was filled with goodies too!

The Daddy Diaper Bag even came with instructions:
What to pack in you Daddy Diaper Bag
Diapers - plan 1 for every 2 hours your out...and maybe a few extra
Wipes - keep them moist by storing them in a plastic sandwich bag
Changing Pad or Blanket - even if your bag comes with one you may find you need something bigger
Pacifier - store them in a clean bag along with bottle nipples to keep everything sanitary
Burp cloths and washcloths - put in as many as you think you might need and then add a few more
Blanket - no matter what season, it's always good to have an extra
Change of clothes...or two. Throw in a couple extra pairs of socks too
Hat - whether you have a summer or winter baby, you'll need it to block out sun or cold
Extra bags - use for soiled diapers and clothing.
What a great gift, thanks Grandma and Grandpa Wamboldt (my parents)! David loves the idea and wants to keep the list inside the bag to make sure he doesn't forget anything! Too Cute!
Baby Update:
I am currently 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. Baby Rueber is putting on approximately 1/2 pound of weight each week. Once we hit 37 weeks, we are considered full term and Baby Rueber can come anytime! He/she continues to be very active and the movements at times are painful...there just isn't much room in there anymore. I on the other hand am not so active anymore, I have hit the uncomfortable stage. One more reason to be happy that it is summer vacation!
As I mentioned in the last post, Dr. Burgess was still unable to determine the position of Baby Rueber and we were measuring 2 weeks small. I had my "normal" 36 week appointment Thursday with my maternity counselor she to could not determine the position and I was now measuring 3 weeks small. So Friday, we had our third ultra sound and it was great news all around! Baby Rueber IS head down (Bottoms Up!) and is getting ready to make his/her entrance into the world.

The ultra sound was not only to see the position of the baby, but to make sure everything else was going well, since we were measuring small. Everything is going well, Baby Rueber is just a little peanut and is in the 35% in size. That was great news for Mom, as David was 9lb. 15oz...I have been hoping and praying for a baby my size 7lb. 11oz.! As our doctor said, you do NOT want a baby in the 90% when in your belly, they can do ALL of the growing they want on the outside! :)
Look at that precious little face and those chunky cheeks (I wonder where he/she gets those from?) We even got to see Baby Rueber sucking his/her fingers! Is anyone surprised that Baby Rueber has lots of hair, we could see it floating in the amniotic fluid...thanks to his/her Daddy!

Baby Rueber's little foot that kicks mom often! Look at how long those toes are!

Well, I am off to work on the"Before Baby comes to-do list"! There is lots to do still to be ready for our little peanut!
Summer vacation - It is HERE!!!
It has been a busy last two weeks. School is out for the summer and the excitement/anticipation is just as bad as the beginning of the year for both students and teachers. It is amazing to think the school year is over, it went really fast even with all of the challenges this year brought. 24 five/six year old's was a lot for this pregnant teacher, they sure made me work for my money this year. I am thankful summer is here and that I am now able to relax, sit, nap and eat anytime I need/want to!
It was a different feeling this year closing up my classroom for the summer, because I won't be back in the room teaching until December! I am taking 12 weeks of maternity leave once school begins in the fall. So, I have the next 6 months off! I will work the teacher work days and the first day of school to meet my students. I am very lucky, my substitute is a retired Kindergarten worries about anything and I know that my students will be "whipped" into shape by the time I come back in December. :)
Last post, I shared pictures and stories about our trip and baby shower in Racine, but I forgot to mention one of the best gifts...and it was for Daddy. David got a "Daddy Diaper Bag".
Daddy's Diaper Bag was filled with goodies too!
The Daddy Diaper Bag even came with instructions:
What to pack in you Daddy Diaper Bag
Diapers - plan 1 for every 2 hours your out...and maybe a few extra
Wipes - keep them moist by storing them in a plastic sandwich bag
Changing Pad or Blanket - even if your bag comes with one you may find you need something bigger
Pacifier - store them in a clean bag along with bottle nipples to keep everything sanitary
Burp cloths and washcloths - put in as many as you think you might need and then add a few more
Blanket - no matter what season, it's always good to have an extra
Change of clothes...or two. Throw in a couple extra pairs of socks too
Hat - whether you have a summer or winter baby, you'll need it to block out sun or cold
Extra bags - use for soiled diapers and clothing.
What a great gift, thanks Grandma and Grandpa Wamboldt (my parents)! David loves the idea and wants to keep the list inside the bag to make sure he doesn't forget anything! Too Cute!
Baby Update:
I am currently 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. Baby Rueber is putting on approximately 1/2 pound of weight each week. Once we hit 37 weeks, we are considered full term and Baby Rueber can come anytime! He/she continues to be very active and the movements at times are painful...there just isn't much room in there anymore. I on the other hand am not so active anymore, I have hit the uncomfortable stage. One more reason to be happy that it is summer vacation!
The ultra sound was not only to see the position of the baby, but to make sure everything else was going well, since we were measuring small. Everything is going well, Baby Rueber is just a little peanut and is in the 35% in size. That was great news for Mom, as David was 9lb. 15oz...I have been hoping and praying for a baby my size 7lb. 11oz.! As our doctor said, you do NOT want a baby in the 90% when in your belly, they can do ALL of the growing they want on the outside! :)
Look at that precious little face and those chunky cheeks (I wonder where he/she gets those from?) We even got to see Baby Rueber sucking his/her fingers! Is anyone surprised that Baby Rueber has lots of hair, we could see it floating in the amniotic fluid...thanks to his/her Daddy!
Baby Rueber's little foot that kicks mom often! Look at how long those toes are!
Well, I am off to work on the"Before Baby comes to-do list"! There is lots to do still to be ready for our little peanut!
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