On Tuesday, December 22 we had our first doctor appointment and we got to meet our doctor. Dr. Burgess was recommended by a friend and we couldn't be happier with our choice! Thanks for the recommendation Heather!
We were very anxious and excited for our first appointment, I had a few questions for the Dr. and we got to hear the heart beat.....
As normal, we met with the nurse first and went over some medical history stuff, took my blood pressure, etc. Then it was time to listen for the heart beat.
Here is the (crazy) nurse looking for the heartbeat. She was so funny and made the appointment fun!
For those of you who have heard a baby's heartbeat before, it is hard to distinguish between your own heartbeat and the baby's. So we tried with the Doppler in the picture, no heart beat; we tried with an old fashion Doppler (She had a stethoscope on and so did I), still no heartbeat. Naturally this made a mother-to-be nervous!
So...she sent in Dr. Burgess to do "her thing". We were suppose to do a "meet and greet" get to know you type thing, but Dr. Burgess wanted to make sure we found the baby's heartbeat. She did an exam to feel my uterus (sorry for the TMI) and thought it felt enlarged. Then it was her turn to try and find the heart beat. Dr. Burgess likes the old fashion Doppler, so that was first...no heartbeat. Time to try the new one...no heartbeat.
Dr. Burgess ordered an early ultra-sound. She told us we were not leaving until we know there is a baby in your belly. (See why we love her!)
Check out this outfit. This is how I walked down the hallway to the ultra sound room....good thing I am married!
Once in the ultra sound room, and we got "hooked" up (all women know what I mean), we immediately heard the heartbeat and saw our little peanut. The sight and sound brought tears to both of our eyes!
Now for the reasoning of the this blog title:
With the ultra sound we found out that we are not a far as we thought. We thought we were 13 weeks, but we are only 12 (between 7-9 days off). So our due date is now July 8, 2010.
We are so thankful for our early Christmas present of hearing Baby Rueber's hear beat and the extra present of a few early pictures!
Merry Christmas to all!