Time flies when you are having fun! Our little lady (18month old, that is) is getting to be such a big girl. She is babbling up a storm, repeating what you say. I have warned David to watch his mouth, I keep replaying the line from "Meet the Fockers"...ass-hole! That is all we need! More later in blog on her 18 month stats!
We were so lucky to get a wonderful hand-me-down train table from Elle's cousin Jenna! Elle LOVES it and so do we. Thanks Tim and Heidi!
I am always trying to find the most effective way to store things in our house. We don't have a lot of storage and with the split levels, we have more living space than storage. I brought up this shelf to put in Elle's closet and I guess she thought it would be fun to climb in? I was thinking of storing her things...not her!
On Saturday, we meet the boys at the Children's Museum for their first visit! Elle showed them how everything works. Well, with an attention span of a gnat, the boys were left in her dust...sorry boys!
Double trouble in the car!
Aiden getting money out of Daddy's bank account and driving off....
Ashton looking out the back watching for cops (or Daddy)! Faster Aiden, Dad is right on our tail! JK...love you boys thanks for coming with us!
So as many of you know, Dora aka Elle has now learned how to escape. Yes, Elle successfully got out of her crib. It all started Friday night. Elle fell asleep while reading books. I went to put her in bed and the minute I put her down... she SCREAMED. I let it go for about 10 minute, went back in and read some more. She is now SNORING, so I put her in bed and the minute I put her down...she SCREAMED. I walked out again and was getting ready to go back in (it had been about 10-15 minutes) when I hear a very loud THUD. I knew exactly what had happened. I opened the door and she ran to me with a "deer in the head light" look! Needless to say, she fell asleep with me Friday ( I was to nervous to put her back in right away) but I did transfer her back around 11pm. She slept the rest of the night, with out making peep.
Onto Saturday, NOT A PROBLEM! Nap went perfect, bedtime went perfect. Sweet this was a one time thing.....
NOPE....Sunday nap - Elle was busted not once, not twice, but three times trying to escape! This time I stood at the door peeking to see if she would try. Sure enough, she did and the first two times I was quick enough to catch her - but not the third. It was a complete repeat of Friday night. This time she woke up her Daddy who was sleeping. He came running upstairs! He still can't believe it...I can't either.
So after much discussion since Friday (seriously it is all I could talk about), we decided not to delay the inevitable and make the swap from crib to toddler bed. (she does have a bed rail so she doesn't roll out)
I am happy to report that I have not heard a peep out of her since I put her down tonight. I know tomorrow's nap won't be the same...
Elle had her 18 month check up this week. We are happy to report we have a very happy, healthy little lady. Our nurse made the comment that Elle is "going to go places", because she knows exactly what she wants.... I was thinking more along the lines terrible twos already?!?! She weighed in at 23.6 pounds and who knows how tall she is, because she would not let us measure her.
Elle's Favorites Foods: Milk, Milk and more milk. yogurt, pears (canned or fresh), toast with PB & J, waffles, grilled cheese, mint Oreo, freezy pops, applesauce, spaghetti meat, deli ham, ramen noodles, mac-n-cheese, goldfish, yogurt melts, frosted shredded wheat.
Blah, Blah, Blah (Elle's words): All animal sounds, cookie, thank you, please, poop, Mommy, Daddy, Paisley Namma (gramma), Ash (Ashton), pop, push, open, ah-da (all done), pull, up, wa-wa (water), bye, bye, hi, off
Elle continues to sign: Milk, all done, eat, cookie, thank you, please
Elle's favorite toys: Ladybug tent/tunnel, her babies, farm animals, duplos, play dough, vacuum, any electronic device, pots/pans, puzzles, anything you can ride on, books, and she loves to dance! I guess I should add climbing to the list...URGH!
Keeping her self busy while waiting for Dr. Stevenson....well, I really think she was trying to leave before she got her shots!
Our new obsession, is play dough. Elle loves to ssqquueezzee it and cut it. She has only tried to eat it a few times, thank goodness.
Another new activity, crayons for the tub. Another one of those inventions where Dave and I said, why didn't I think of that?!?!
After the good nap, Elle and Daddy went to pick up Daddy's Christmas gift. It finally came in - his Lazy Boy! Elle was sure to try it out right away....We all have been enjoying the new chair!
Our outside girl, she put all of that on by herself. Ms. Independent!!!
Check out that hair. We sadly cut it, but it looks sooo cute! (Look at pictures closely and you will see the difference).
We had a very busy weekend last weekend. My holiday work party Friday, Da Boyz 1st Birthday party Saturday and Easton's baptism Sunday.
Grandpa and two of his three...that is quite the load!
Aiden and Ashton have some really fun toys at their house! Elle L.O.V.E.D. driving their firetrucks! She has asked her Uncle Adam for her own! :) It was so cute to watch her drive around and run into everything!
Thanks for sharing your new turtles Ashton!
What birthday would be complete without cake...
Aiden wasn't too sure about it and Ashton was like bring it on!!
Do I have to mommy???
Yum, Yum!
What you lookin' at Willis?
Sunday morning we headed to St. Paul for Easton's baptism. David is so honored to be Easton's God Father. Welcome to the family!
After church we headed back to their house for brunch. Elle love playing with all of the big kid toys! Especially the big wheel.