Baby Rueber's estimated arrival - 17 days!
Yikes we are getting down there. I am currently 37 1/2 weeks and considered full term, meaning if I would go into labor they would NOT stop me. I am completely okay with that idea...Bring on the baby!
I continue to feel good but very tired. I was given permission yesterday from Dave to take extra naps. Who is going to complain when someone tells you to be lazy...not this girl! I have had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and what I believe to be real contractions. My next appointment is Wednesday morning and I am very anxious to find out what is going on in there!
Saturday night, I swear Baby Rueber was doing the log roll in my tummy. It was 2:30 in the morning and I was woken up by a contraction, then I became extremely nauseous, then on top of all that Baby decided it was a good time to roll from my left side (which he/she usually favors) to my right side. Yeah, no thanks honey you no longer have room to do that!
This last week was my first full week of summer vacation, and David was on his "off week". So I had quite the To Do List and as you can imagine David was thrilled! ;)
I got everything washed for Baby R. Well, I didn't wash anything bigger than 0-3 months for clothing and Baby Rueber's going home outfit.

What do you think our baby will be wearing home from the hospital?
Pink polka dots or baby blue stripes?
David is the pro at assembling things, we started with the swing and bouncy...

then we tried the pack-n-play...

this is what our living room looked like before baby stuff...
and this is what our living room looks like with baby stuff! With more toys to come as baby gets bigger.
With the contractions I have been having (during the middle of the night) I decided I should probably pack my hospital bag.

On Thursday morning, David and I headed off to the police station to have the car seat installed/checked. We got both vehicles checked and it was easier than we thought. The police officer said that we picked one of the safest car seats on the market! That is very reassuring for first time parents.
After the baby stuff was assembled, we had a few things around the house to do. First thing was to replace the "Hollywood" light fixture in the bathroom.
We also changed our door knobs/locks, something we have wanted to do since we moved it.

By the end of the week, we had most of the To Do items "checked" off the list.
Happy Father's Day "to-be" David!
Baby R. got Daddy a onsie that says "Daddy's Caddy" and a bib. Mommy got Daddy a comfy outfit for the hospital.
I will leave you this week with a picture of our first born. Paisley has been enjoying summer vacation as well...basking in the sun!

Yikes we are getting down there. I am currently 37 1/2 weeks and considered full term, meaning if I would go into labor they would NOT stop me. I am completely okay with that idea...Bring on the baby!
I continue to feel good but very tired. I was given permission yesterday from Dave to take extra naps. Who is going to complain when someone tells you to be lazy...not this girl! I have had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and what I believe to be real contractions. My next appointment is Wednesday morning and I am very anxious to find out what is going on in there!
Saturday night, I swear Baby Rueber was doing the log roll in my tummy. It was 2:30 in the morning and I was woken up by a contraction, then I became extremely nauseous, then on top of all that Baby decided it was a good time to roll from my left side (which he/she usually favors) to my right side. Yeah, no thanks honey you no longer have room to do that!
This last week was my first full week of summer vacation, and David was on his "off week". So I had quite the To Do List and as you can imagine David was thrilled! ;)
I got everything washed for Baby R. Well, I didn't wash anything bigger than 0-3 months for clothing and Baby Rueber's going home outfit.
What do you think our baby will be wearing home from the hospital?
Pink polka dots or baby blue stripes?
then we tried the pack-n-play...
this is what our living room looked like before baby stuff...
On Thursday morning, David and I headed off to the police station to have the car seat installed/checked. We got both vehicles checked and it was easier than we thought. The police officer said that we picked one of the safest car seats on the market! That is very reassuring for first time parents.
By the end of the week, we had most of the To Do items "checked" off the list.
Happy Father's Day "to-be" David!
Baby R. got Daddy a onsie that says "Daddy's Caddy" and a bib. Mommy got Daddy a comfy outfit for the hospital.