I have decided that I am NOT a good blogger - I always put it off! But, I L.O.V.E. reading everyone's blogs and know people enjoy ours...so here is a bunch of RANDOM pictures from the last two weeks.
Elle had a friend come visit for the weekend. Chloe and Cami - Chloe and I have been BFF's since Preschool/Kindergarten. We did everything together as kids and I love that we stay in touch. Chloe and I are only 8 days apart - Cami and Elle are only one month apart! It is so neat that we have girls the same age.
We took a HOT walk over to visit the goats. The mommy goat just had babies, and they are (surprisingly) cute! Yes, I live in city limits, but there is a little ranch across the street with goats and a horse. It is the neighborhood's "main attraction" with the kids!
Elle had a friend come visit for the weekend. Chloe and Cami - Chloe and I have been BFF's since Preschool/Kindergarten. We did everything together as kids and I love that we stay in touch. Chloe and I are only 8 days apart - Cami and Elle are only one month apart! It is so neat that we have girls the same age.
We took a HOT walk over to visit the goats. The mommy goat just had babies, and they are (surprisingly) cute! Yes, I live in city limits, but there is a little ranch across the street with goats and a horse. It is the neighborhood's "main attraction" with the kids!
It never failed, Cami and Elle would trade sippy cups. Chloe would hand Cami hers, I would hand Elle hers and then they would trade. At least they were keeping hydrated in the heat! :)
What does our one year do these days:
- LOVES to read books - The Wheels on the Bus, Farm Book, Dogs, Eight Silly Monkeys, How Big?
- LOVES to play with her babies - feed them, kiss them, push them in her stroller or high chair.
- LOVES to play outside - swing, slide, play in the sand, swim, play with the hose, I could go on!
- LOVES to talk on the phone.
- Do anything you are doing.
- She is still kind of a picky eater, but is getting better; Here are a few things we KNOW she will eat: grilled cheese, hot dogs, mac-n-cheese, pickles, pineapple, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, toast, waffles, yogurt, chicken, any kind of cracker, and cookies (who doesn't).
- NO more bottles! She drinks from a sippy cup - even before bed!
- NO more formula! She drinks 1% milk. That was question for the Dr. - she got REALLY gassy and wouldn't drink whole milk. Our Dr. said it might be to fatty for her little tummy to digest, and to try whatever we had in the house.
- She is saying a few words: mommy, daddy, baby.
- She can sign: more and all done.
- She has transitioned to ONE nap a day. Aprrox. 1pm -3pm
- Bedtime is at 8pm and she will normally sleep until about 8am! 12 hours, lovely!
We are packing all of our "gear" and heading to the County of Door this week. Our families annual camping trip! We are soooo excited! Our next post will be of vacation!
Thanks for checking in and sorry for the untimely-ness (I don't thing that is a word) of my posts.