So I started this post two weeks ago...and haven't found the time until tonight to finish it! It is amazing how far behind on house work and daily life "stuff" you can get by being gone for ONE weekend! I still feel like I am playing catch up. So again sorry for not posting...and thank you for checking in to see if we have posted! :)
This blog dates back to my Christmas break (now 3 weeks ago). Adam and Amy gave David and I passes to go skiing at Afton Alps and then Elle got a "token" for a free day with Auntie and Uncle. I am not sure they were expecting us to redeem it within a day....
David and I have not spend a whole day alone since Elle was born, it was so nice! We went down just about every run about twice...we had a blast!

While mommy and daddy were skiing Elle got some quality time with her Auntie Amy and when Uncle Adam came home they had one serious conversation. (Sorry for the small pictures, any bloggers out there know how to make pictures bigger when they are sent via email and saved to your computer??)

It was only appropriate for Elle to wear the shirt she got from you Auntie - "My Auntie is Awesome!"

Elle finally got to meet Cindy and boy was she excited! Cindy was so hoping that during her visit this summer Elle would have made an early entrance...but we all know that didn't happen. So they finally got to meet!

Cindy, Alise and Kyra had a wedding to attend north of the cities, so Julie and I met the girls at Don Pablos (YUMMY!) It was a wonderful lunch as always and great company. Cindy we miss you and can't wait to see you this summer!

After lunch with the ladies, we were off to Papa Bill's for Christmas. It is always fun trying to get pictures of young children...Take 1

Take 2

Take 100, we finally got a good one (they are looking at Auntie Sue's camera)

And then to get a nice picture with Papa Bill.... As always we were pampered with a delicious dinner and generous gifts! Thanks Papa Bill and Sue.

We spent New Year's Eve at the Sullivan's again this year. This is the second annual "family friendly" party, last year there were about 4-5 pregnant ladies, this year only 3, which means more babies next year! Elle and Maddie are getting so big, and both love to stand!

Elle is getting so good and sitting on her own, I am able to leave her with a few toys and run to the kitchen quickly. But don't worry I leave her with the babysitter...Paisley! :)

Finley is letting us use his jumperoo until his little brother/sister needs it and Elle L.O.V.E.S. it!!!! She really can get bouncing. She bounced so much that she broke a toe nail this week!

Go Badgers! We don't have any Bucky wear, so we did our best with a Mini Mouse Fleece.

Watching the Rose Bowl...what a sad game. :(

As you all know Elle has soooo much hair and is sporting it in a Pebbles style pony tail most days, but we have tried piggy tails too! They make her look so much older than six months, but are too cute.

The first weekend in January we mad the hike down to Kenosha to spoil the twins! Of course if we have plans to travel the weather will not cooperate, it snowed the entire ride - 4.5 hours! But, Elle did sleep the entire ride!
Once we arrived, we ordered pizza...not just any pizza, a 3 foot pizza! It was bigger than the coffee table in the hotel room! Needless to say we DID have left overs! :)

After a 4.5 hour nap in the car, we needed some excitement - Elle went swimming for the first time! The pool was quite chilly, so we hit the warm tub (it was the temperature of bath water).

She LOVED the water, but did look at us all funny - like, why are all of you in my bath tub!?!?!

The step was a perfect place for little girls to sit and splash! I am thinking we will be taking swimming lessons this summer - she loves the water!

A weekend getaway means special treats, like sleeping in bed with mommy and daddy. Elle decided she didn't want to sleep anymore at 4:30 in the morning, so I put her in bed with us and she was out like a light!

Saturday was a day for the twins! My cousin Jeff and wife Janel hosted a shower for the men and women. The ladies stayed upstairs to shower the babies and the boys went downstairs to belly up to their very own bar.
Taylor (left) and Brooke (Right) were very good helpers and played with Elle while the grown ups did "shower stuff".

Great Gramma got to feed Elle again. Taylor and Brooke were right there to watch.

Playing with the girls Chloe is in the pick. Taylor is going to make an excellent baby sitter some day!

This is a funny picture, we played a game where you have to draw a baby on a paper plate, while the plate is on top of your head! Some of the pictures didn't even look like babies!!!!

The twins were spoiled with necessities and TWO of everything! Very soon we will get to meet them and we can't wait!

After the "showering" was done, we headed down stairs by the boys to hang out.

I thought life was busy before, well I was wrong. Being a working mother is the hardest job that I have ever
LOVED!!! It is so exhausting each and everyday, (I think I am sleeping before my head even hits the pillow) but I would
NEVER change it for anything in the world! Thank you for being patient with my posts and I will do my best to update more regularly...