If I had to grade myself this week on picture taking, I would give myself an F!! We did lots of fun things, but this mommy forgot to take pictures. When I looked through my camera, I found four, yes four pictures for the entire week.
After our week long vacation, it took us a couple days to get everything unpacked and back to normal. While I put Elle's clothes and things away I put her in her crib for the first time. She looks so little in there. I am sooo not ready for her sleep in there yet, she will be in her bassinet until she exceeds the weight limit!
Good thing I saw Heather and Finley twice this week....out of my four pictures, two are with them!
Gramma was in town this week to get her hair cut on Wednesday. Before we went to the salon, we met Heather and Finley at our favorite lunch place...Panera!
Thursday afternoon, Elle and I headed out to Heather's for a walk. They live in such a wonderful neighborhood, with little traffic which makes it easy to push two strollers side by side. We were trying to get a picture of Finley and Elle, but as you can see we got Elle. Finley was (in his mother's eyes) showing off for us! He was too cute, I think I got about 10 hugs during our visit.
Friday night, we went out to dinner with our neighbors Heather, Jeremy and their two kids Olivia, 2 and Avery is 6 weeks older than Elle. Heather is a kindergarten teacher too, so we have lots to talk about!! Elle and Avery were mesmerized by the lights and fans...see both of them looking at the ceiling.
Elle had her one month check up on Tuesday and we have a healthy little girl! She now weighs 9lb. 4 oz. and is 21.5 inches long! She is in the 50 percentile for height and weight and between 25-50 for her head circumference.
David and I had a few questions to ask the pediatrician :
-- Elle has a red mark on her left eye lid, it is called and angel's kiss and will likely disappear by age one. This is very common in newborns.--Her belly button is an outie (spelling???) and I wanted to make sure it was healing right. Well actually it isn't an outie, it is herniated. This too is common in newborns, their stomach muscles aren't developed well enough. Again, this usually disappears before age one if it doesn't by age 4 or 5, we will talk about fixing it.
It is so amazing how much Elle has changed in five weeks, she looks older and older each day. She now loves sitting up to look around, she sits in her swing, in her boppy or just propped up on the couch. Elle loves her bath and will kick and splash until the water is cold. She has started to coo and make noises when you talk to her (I love our conversations!) Elle has also started tracking toys that are in front of her, she is able to focus on objects now! As I have been working on the blog today, Elle has been full of smiles. I tried to catch one, sorry for the bad angles...her cheeks look HUGE.

Last but not least, we are so excited to be sharing some BIG news. My brother and sister-in-law are expecting...TWINS!!!! Adam and Amy had an doctor appointment this past Monday to hear the heart beat, well they heard TWO heart beats! We are so happy for them and welcome them to parenthood, the best job in the world. Twins is a new experience for our side of the family (multiples run in Amy's side), so we are excited to have two little bundles of joy! This auntie can't wait to dress them alike and Elle is so excited to get two cousins for the price of one! Check out Baby Wamboldt's blog!
Congrats again Adam and Amy, we are so happy for both of you!
Last but not least, we are so excited to be sharing some BIG news. My brother and sister-in-law are expecting...TWINS!!!! Adam and Amy had an doctor appointment this past Monday to hear the heart beat, well they heard TWO heart beats! We are so happy for them and welcome them to parenthood, the best job in the world. Twins is a new experience for our side of the family (multiples run in Amy's side), so we are excited to have two little bundles of joy! This auntie can't wait to dress them alike and Elle is so excited to get two cousins for the price of one! Check out Baby Wamboldt's blog!
Congrats again Adam and Amy, we are so happy for both of you!